Saturday, July 5, 2008

So, i've officially made it through my first full week here in Madison...only 11 more to go (that countdown is more for the work part, not the fun sight-seeing part). Everything has gone really well, and the weather has been beautiful. Although, the 8-hour days have really killed this wimp.

As far as working at the hospital goes, I will be mainly working on the neuro and ortho floors. So, i've seen a lot of stroke and hip replacement patients this week- some pretty interesting stroke patients that have been unable to communicate in therapy due to aphasia. My supervisors both want me to eventually work my way up to the cardiac and ICU floors, but I am sort of dreading that because those patients are obviously much less stable. I guess we'll see how it goes. Next week I get to be more hands on with patients, which stresses me out a little...but I guess that's what i'm here for.

Today I went exploring downtown and found lots of places that looked very fun. I think that I am going to have to get a second job so that I can support myself once I start with hobbies on the weekend.

I guess i'll go before everyone falls asleep. Hopefully i'll have something better to say next time.

1 comment:

Good Sport Patti said...

Glad you've started a blog. My niece blogged while she was in France and it was a great way to keep up with her. Great to hear your voice yesterday!
