Thursday, July 10, 2008

patients say the darndest things...

(short story, but very funny)

today i had a plethora of cancellations, therefore we got to "pick up" 2 new patients. for an initial visit with a patient, it is our job to create a patient profile by interviewing/evaluating the client about current and previous symptoms and medical problems, previous living situations, goals for rehab, social situation, and other ot-ish things. so, one of the questions that we ask is about alcohol and cigarette use...

patient 1, age 87 said, "well, luckily i don't smoke now. but i do want you to know that there was a brief period of time in my teen years when i had a lapse of judgement and smoked."

patient 2, age 92: "honey, i have great news for you...i've smoked most of my life but i quit last year, decided i should be healthy."

statements noted in charts, and patients are working their way to recovery. hopefully i'll have these two for awhile, seem to be very knowledgable/motivational about life choices...could learn a lot.

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