Wednesday, July 9, 2008

intense caseload

today was my first day to have my own patient. (brace yourself, this is about to get pretty intense- i know).

i was informed yesterday that after a week of observations i could have my very own patient today- how exciting! so, first things first...what is the diagnosis and what should i do? i had to plan a treatment. so, since she was a back surgery patient and pretty much (flat on her back) bed ridden, i figured that i should take it pretty easy. she has been seen by ot a few times, but i would be the first to "treat" her. unfortunately, we were only able to make it halfway through treatment (the really good part) before her pain became EXCRUTIATING and she started having uncontrollable muscle spasms all over her body (i promise, nothing that i did!!)! i know you must all be thinking 'what a great start to a career in ot' (i always seem to enter situations with a bang, it's my nature), but i am pleased to say that i must've done something right because i have her again tomorrow, plus two other patients (who are going to be equally difficult). the lady from today says that she is "looking forward to it. i like you, and we're going to work through the pain together." (that is unless she gives me a nervous breakdown first!)

i still really love it though. those stressful events (ie. unexpected, uncontrollable muscle spasms elicited by the first patient you've ever treated) are the things that really keep you on your toes. not to mention, keep you awake...the hospital can get a little tedious. anyway, i'm still trying to post pics and having a terrible time! i'm going to have to make a "techie" friend to do it for me, and i'll work on that this weekend. until then, peace and love!



caseyj610 said...

Ya! Sounds like you are a success! I am sure that your patients will look forward to your bubbly personality, and the knowledge that you are there helping them move forward!!

katie said...

thanks casey! i mean, i don't know if success is the correct terminology (yet), but they have all been very patient with me.